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6 Best Energy-Efficient Home Improvements You Can Make

 (modified Aug 4, 2022)

In a world where climate change is wreaking havoc in unprecedented ways, the need of the hour is to cut down our carbon footprint and become energy efficient. People are gradually making the shift from expensive fossil fuels and rising energy costs, to a cleaner, greener future. You should join this trend and do you part in saving our world. The journey to a brighter tomorrow starts today at your home. With some upgrades/modifications in your home, you can reduce your dependency on fossil fuels. Here are the 6 best energy-efficient home improvements for you to make:

Make the Switch to LED lights

lightbulb for efficient home improvements
LEDs, commonly known as light-emitting diodes, have proven to be more energy efficient than their incandescent counterparts. They consume less energy, last longer, and result in increased savings in electric bills.

Luckily, there are many LED wall lights on the market that provide aesthetic value to the consumers without compromising heavily on energy. When you are making the switch, be sure to go with a reputed manufacturer to avoid faulty products. On the downside, LED lights are slightly expensive but it is an investment that will pay for itself in the long run which makes this a very efficient home improvement.

Go Big on Insulation

One of the reasons why heating bills are generally high during the winters are due to an absence of proper insulation. If your house is old, then it most definitely stands to benefit from a thorough upgrade in insulation. In case you are unsure of how to go about it, here is a handy home insulation checklist prepared by the Department of Energy.

If your house has an attic, be sure to add a layer of insulation there as well. In order to retain heat, it is important to seal all escape routes, including the ones in the attic.

Take Advantage of the Roof Space
outside patio

There is a lot of work you can do on your roof to make your home energy-efficient. For one, you can install solar panels and meet your energy requirements in the cleanest way possible. Secondly, you can also tap into the idea of a cool roof by using surfaces designed to reflect sunlight and absorb less heat in comparison to a standard roof. This will keep your house cooler during summers and bring down your energy bills. You can complement this further by making a small garden on your rooftop! It is not only visually pleasing but also helps in keeping the place cool.

Assess the Sealing in Your House

Doors, windows, and garage door - these are the three main ways through which cold or hot air escapes from the house. To truly go down the energy-efficient path, examine your windows and doors and ensure to see if they still fit the bill when it comes to insulation. A replacement may be in order if the sealing around the doors and window panes is not enough.

Similarly, you may also benefit from installing a new garage door - one that is better equipped to conserve energy in the house. It is an efficient home improvement investment worth considering since garages are usually the main culprits when it comes to letting the hot/cold air out.

Focus on Water-Saving Hacks

drop of water from faucet to glass
Water is a precious commodity - it must be treated as such. According to the EPA up to 9,000 gallons of water can be wasted annually from individual household leaks. These figures are staggering but can be easily reduced to negligible numbers with some simple hacks. Start by installing showerheads, faucets, and toilet fixtures that lead to a lesser flow of water. Fix all the leaks in the house and take it a step further by looking into tankless water heaters and rainwater harvesting. There is a lot that can be done with water alone - be sure to research thoroughly for new ideas and innovations.

Energy Star Appliances

As a rule of thumb, always invest in appliances that proudly carry the ENERGY STAR Badge and certification. The initiative was launched by the US Department of Energy and these appliances consume less energy, thus resulting in more savings and a reduced carbon footprint. Whether it is an air conditioner, refrigerator, heather, washing machine, or any other equipment, make it a point to purchase energy efficient versions only. They may be a tad bit expensive but it is well worth the money and an efficient home improvement.

To Sum it Up

As you may have guessed by now, making energy efficient home improvements is not that difficult of a task, especially wen you realize the impact you will make in improving the climate. A good way to go about it is by starting with the insulation in your house and then moving into other aspects like water saving electricals, kitchen, etc. With any home improvements there comes debris and junk you'll need hauled away. That's where our residential friendly dumpster rental's come in handy!

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Author Bio: Jessica Smith

Jessica is an avid reader who enjoys getting lost in the world of books. She loves to write in different verticals and is an active contributor to Elite Garage blog which provides garage door repair services.

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